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You believe we make your dreams real



About Photography?

Pictures speak a thousand words, this phrase might not be true in our day to day lives, but when it comes to weddings – everyone swears by this phrase. After the wedding, these pictures help you remember the special day forever as the moments captured during the whole process are all exceptional moments. Hence, when it comes to wedding photography, you need to be clear about what you want. Since wedding photography is just not about pictures, it is about your emotions, which are captured by the photographer.

When it comes to wedding photography, people usually choose between candid and traditional photography. You can also have an amalgamation of both or can choose between the two. But before making a reasonable decision, you need to understand how traditional and candid photography is different from each other.



What is Candid Photography?


In candid photography, every picture shot is real, and the poses are not predefined. Candid wedding photography involves taking pictures of people instinctively when the person is not aware that the picture is going to be clicked. The photographer keeps on capturing scenes without altering the scene by giving direction to the people in the photo. They capture the true essence and emotions of the functions.


What is traditional photography?



Traditional photography is the most common type of photography. It is something that we all have witnessed over the years. It is a process where the photographer approaches you at the wedding, gives you some directions and instructions that you enjoy to get the best click.


To book your candid photography session today please fill out our contact form and we will give you a call back shortly.


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